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Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Grand Re-Opening

So this used to be my place to whine and bitch about my life. Waaa, we don't have health insurance, waaa, my wife and I aren't getting along, waaa, my job sucks. Now, we do have health insurance and my wife, E, and I are getting along nicely, and even my job is alright. Hell, they're sending me to New York for a week. Lesser men, when faced with this bland contentment, would give up, quit blogging, pack it in and, I don't know, do something outdoors. Thankfully, I am not a lesser man. I simply switch focus. I'm a family man and this will be all about the family, from the perspective of a white, middle-class, college-educated male, a perspective so lacking in the media. Truly, the world needs to hear from people like me. Granted, we run everything, but you know what they say about life at the top. It's lonely, people. White guys have feelings too, you know, although we hide them beneath a veneer of confidence, entitlement and success. But only because we are so empty on the inside. Wait a sec, the money truck just pulled up, I'll be right back...

In reality, I'm an obsessive writer and a dad and a husband and the first means I must chronicle the others in an exhuastive manner. This sets me apart from absolutely no one else doing much the same out there on the internets. But since I am like the snowflake, and Blogger don't cost nothin', it must be done. And you wouldn't have it any other way. Now, some deets for my peeps.

Name - 3 of them
Age - 37
Sex - Male
Availability - not before 9 am on weekend
Availability for sex - if you are my wife, then yes, any time
Kids - 3 of them, all sons (they will be all well hung), ages 12, 4 and 2
  • Good - I'm an early riser, I shower daily, I whistle while I work

  • Bad - I am constantly drumming my fingers or hands, I have a one track mind, I am anti-social, I smoke crack like a fiend, I default to the "smoke crack" standby in lieu of actual comedy when pressed

Also, there will be photos. For starters, check out our Santa Cruz vacation.