A Christmas Wish
I've been thinking about the differences between what would commonly be described as "conservatives" and "liberals". (I should say that you could lump me in with the liberals for most issues.) Anyway, what it comes down to for me is process. What us bleeding-hearts are concerned about is process, and the process must have "meaning" or it's not worth doing. The result is almost incosequential. It's the doing that counts.
Over there on the conservative side, they are concerned with RESULTS. Doesn't matter how they get there, as long as the end result is what they intended. No whining about meaningless processes for them.
This paradigm presents big fat problems for us pinkos in that we never get anything done. Case in point, if you want to see a study in message diffusion, go to a protest rally. Holy Shitmole, the mish mash of causes is staggering. A Christmas wish: can we please agree on what a particular rally is supposed to accomplish and STICK with that GOAL for just ONE day? I, too, would love to see the weed legalized, but put away the hacky sack just for the duration of this march, mmkay?
Another case in point: satire, or propaganda in general. Us commies like our satire subtle or not at all. Case in point: Dr. Strangelove. Conservatives don't really give a shit, as long as the message is conveyed. Case in point: everything on PAX.
Of course, I'm generalizing big time, just to get my message across. Ohahahahaha!! But no, I'm a process-oriented person to the nth degree and I'm tired, people, I'm tired of fretting about the meaninglessness of a particular task. I want the moral fortitude to forge ahead regardless of how much grunt work is involved.
All this panty-wasted analyzing could be the reason behind the need for the rest of today's post, which is a shameless act of networking. In other words, I need a job, people. Or at least, I MIGHT need one come the New Year, so I'm bucking personal tradition and I'm being proactive. To wit, the following:
Dear Blogoshpere,
I have been temping as a tech writer at a large credit union located in Sacramento since September. The assignment is technically over on December 31, but there is a possibility that I will continue on until March, when a new full time position opens. However, that very well may not happen. In that case, I am screwed. More accurately, my family and I are screwed. I know, how clich茅 of me to drag the kids into the picture, especially during the holidays, but desperate times call for, well, you know.
So I am appealing to this amazing online community for leads on a job. As I mentioned, I���m a tech writer, but I���ve also done a lot of project management, mostly with Internet companies. I���m familiar with all the usual programs, including FrameMaker, Word, Excel, DreamWeaver, Photoshop, Illustrator, Visio, Powerpoint, etc. I���m also handy with HTML and am getting used to ASP, XML and Java.
Did I mention I spent the past two years teaching high school English? That was fun and challenging, but paid very little, so I went back to the private sector. Also, I can play drums and walk on my hands. Not at the same time.
Interested parties can contact me at vargaso@sbcglobal.net or in the comment section of this blog. I will send my resume to whoever responds. I live in the Sacramento, CA area, but am willing to commute to the Bay Area if necessary.
Thanks in advance. The next post will return to inner turmoil and random links, I promise.
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